New Year, Now What?

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Stay on track this year

New Year, Now What?

We are now officially into the last year of the second decade of the new millennium. So, now what? Here’s a few secrets of my own for staying on track this year.

I took some time during the holidays to review 2018 and confirm if I actually accomplished all I set out to do at the beginning of last year. There were definitely some “wins” and some “lessons” along the way, but overall I checked off most of my ‘to dos’. I had some aggressive goals (like make $2M USD by November 2018), which did not materialize, but I did make more money in my business in 2018 than in the previous two years since leaving my corporate job.

I also read a lot of posts and messages on social media with people declaring 2019 to be THE year they finally accomplish their goals, including starting a business, writing a book, starting a blog, traveling more, finding a new job and other resolutions. However, I had to pause and ask myself what is really going to be different about 2019 that will motivate these people to actually follow through with their goals.

I’m a big advocate of vision boards, and I know the value of the law of attraction: see it, feel it, believe it, receive it. But you have to put in the work and be consistent, even on the days when all you want to do is stay in bed and pull the covers over your head. As an entrepreneur, it can be even more difficult to stay motivated because the runway of seeing the results of your work is oftentimes quiet and quite long and daunting.

So, here are some steps I have been able to incorporate in my life to help me stay motivated and on track with my goals each year:

#1. Write it down

Vision boards are great! I have one hanging on my wall near my bed and a picture of it in my phone. But I also learned the power of writing down action steps to help me accomplish the items I have on my vision board. I have also found using a S.W.O.T. Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to be helpful in identifying the areas I need to focus on throughout the year (Opportunities and Threats) to help make my dreams a reality.

#2. Find an accountability partner

Share your goals with someone who is just as ambitious as you are, and hold each other accountable throughout the year. Have monthly check-ins to see how you are both progressing. Share resources and other tools that can be beneficial, or just be a sounding board for days when momentum is decreasing or life gets in the way.

#3. Be realistic

Unlike my ambitious goal of making $2M USD in 11 months, be realistic with your goals. Of course you want to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone – that is where growth happens – but you do not want to set yourself up for failure.

Although I was disappointed I did not come close to my 2018 financial goal, it forced me to be more realistic for 2019 and have a strategy in place for how I plan to accomplish that goal. I broke my annual goal down by the sources I will generate income from in 2019, and then divided the annual total by the quarter, by the month and finally by the day to make it more realistic in my mind. Now that I can see it bite-sized I know it is absolutely achievable.

So, how will you make certain you stay on track for 2019 to ensure you move the needle of success in your career, business or life in general?

Sometimes good enough is good enough. Do not over think it, or feel you have to have all of the answers. The first step is to get started and just do it!


How will you stay on track this year? We would love to hear any tricks of the trade that have worked for you in the past – please send us a comment below.

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Queen of From Foster Care to Fabulous; America's #1 Reinvention and Transformation Expert

Tana Session was born into the New York City foster care system and remained there until she was 3 ½ years old. Experiencing hardships throughout her life, she learned they were not her fault… they were her problem. She set out to establish a life that was quantum leaps from where she started. Recently recognized as a Huffington Post “10 Black Female Experts to Follow in 2018,” Tana has built a successful career in Human Resources and a successful business in spite of her background. She continues to use her adversities as fuel and not excuses.

Tana has served as a Human Resources leader for multiple companies which has enabled her to embed her passion for the field of HR and Coaching in everything she develops and implements. In 2014, Tana established her award-winning WMBE-certified coaching and consulting practice ( Noted as a powerful motivational speaker, Tana shares her poignant career and life coaching tips with audiences from a personal perspective.

In November 2016, Tana released her first self-published book on Amazon entitled Inside the Revolving Door: Chronicles From the Human Resources Department. This debut fictional release is a collection of short stories told through the perspective of various Human Resources leaders. In January 2017, she released the #1 Best-seller Get Your Career Life in Order, a step-by-step career management and job-hunting self-help guidebook. Her third book, The Little Book of Motivation & Inspiration – Volume I, was released in January 2018. Tana is also a contributing writer for and, and has been featured on various television, syndicated radio and podcast shows. In August 2017, the University of Phoenix recognized Tana as one of its Distinguished Alumni of Southern California. Tana also joined the team of UCLA Extension in Fall 2017 as an instructor.

In her free time, Tana likes to travel and spend time with family and friends. Tana is based in Los Angeles.

See Tana's Free Masterclass here:

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